In my Spam folder this morning…
Dear Dr. Kent E Holsinger ,
Greetings from WCEOGPE-2018.
On behalf of the Organizing committee, we are delighted to invite you to be a speaker at 3rd World Congress & Expo on Oil, Gas & Petroleum Engineering ( WCEOGPE-2018) on April 16-17, 2018 which will be held in Dubai, UAE which brings well versed scrutinizers at one place. It provides a platform to have open discussions, knowledge sharing and interactive sessions with field experts. WCEOGPE-2018 will focus on the theme Pioneering Revolutionary Technologies in Oil, Gas & Petroleum Industries .
This is our humble request to join us in the WCEOGPE-2018 to up-skill your next generations to protect and continue our valuable innovations.
For more information about the conference, Please have a glance at PS:
For questions about topics, registration or other enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to go into further details regarding any concerns you might have.
Awaiting your swift and favourable reply.
Best regards,
Rohith Rao
WCEOGPE Summit-2018
P: +91-779-979-0002
If you don’t want to receive any further e-mail from WCOEGPE Summit-2018, please revert back with a subject Unsubscribe.
Are there people who accept these invitations? Who in their right mind would invite me to a meeting on oil, gas, and petroleum engineering?