
The links below correspond, roughly, to the material covered in different lectures in the course. You can also download a single PDF that contains all of them. Just click the “Lecture notes in population genetics” link. [1]Note: The single PDF doesn’t have revisions I’m making this fall. The differences aren’t big, but if you want the most up-to-date version of the single PDF, you’ll want to … Continue reading If you’re a real masochist, the LaTeX source and all of the associated files are available in a public Github repository. If that last sentence is incomprehensible, don’t worry about it. Just click on the Lecture notes in population genetics link below and download the PDF, or download the individual topic notes that you find interesting.

Graham Coop (UC Davis) also teaches a graduate course in population genetics, and he’s also put his lecture notes online: PDF, HTML. (If you want to download a copy of the PDF, click on “Raw”). Again, if you’re a masochist, Graham has made all of the associated files available in a Github repository.

Lecture notes in population genetics


1 Note: The single PDF doesn’t have revisions I’m making this fall. The differences aren’t big, but if you want the most up-to-date version of the single PDF, you’ll want to download it again in December or January when I’ve compiled it.