This notebook explores some of the data analyzed in Carlson et al., Annals of Botany 117:195-207; 2016 (doi: []). Specifically, the focus here is on trait-environment relationships using data measured on seedlings in the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden in 2013 and 2014. The data file here is the same one (or should be the same one) available at [].

## clear memory of any existing analyses to avoid conflicts
dat <- read.csv("traits-environment-pca.csv", header=TRUE, na.strings=c("NA","."))

This analysis will use only a subset of the data, so the first step is to reduce the data frame to include only the relevant columns.

dat <- dat[,c("stomatal_density","Prin1_temp","Prin2_dry","Prin3_map","year")]
 stomatal_density   Prin1_temp        Prin2_dry          Prin3_map             year     
 Min.   :22.22    Min.   :-2.0057   Min.   :-1.65822   Min.   :-1.59709   Min.   :2013  
 1st Qu.:37.04    1st Qu.:-0.9930   1st Qu.:-0.57682   1st Qu.:-0.84424   1st Qu.:2013  
 Median :44.44    Median : 0.3598   Median : 0.00273   Median :-0.02303   Median :2014  
 Mean   :45.19    Mean   :-0.1211   Mean   : 0.13461   Mean   :-0.02465   Mean   :2014  
 3rd Qu.:51.85    3rd Qu.: 0.7217   3rd Qu.: 1.34120   3rd Qu.: 0.56104   3rd Qu.:2014  
 Max.   :79.63    Max.   : 1.2202   Max.   : 1.51035   Max.   : 2.05629   Max.   :2014  
 NA's   :1130     NA's   :2         NA's   :2          NA's   :2                        

Stomatal density will be our response variable in the analysis, so there’s no reason to retain any rows where stomatal density is NA. Year should also be treated as a factor, rather than as a numeric value.

dat <- subset(dat, !
dat$year <- factor(dat$year)
 stomatal_density   Prin1_temp         Prin2_dry          Prin3_map          year    
 Min.   :22.22    Min.   :-2.00573   Min.   :-1.65822   Min.   :-1.59709   2013:233  
 1st Qu.:37.04    1st Qu.:-0.75779   1st Qu.:-0.59996   1st Qu.:-0.36235   2014:277  
 Median :44.44    Median : 0.50219   Median :-0.08574   Median :-0.02303             
 Mean   :45.19    Mean   : 0.03688   Mean   : 0.04012   Mean   : 0.04309             
 3rd Qu.:51.85    3rd Qu.: 0.73215   3rd Qu.: 0.84284   3rd Qu.: 0.56104             
 Max.   :79.63    Max.   : 1.22024   Max.   : 1.51035   Max.   : 2.05629             

Carlson et al. reported a positive relationship between principal component axis 1 and stomatal density and a negative relationship between axis 2 and stomatal density.

Loading required package: Rcpp
rstanarm (Version 2.17.2, packaged: 2017-12-20 23:59:28 UTC)
- Do not expect the default priors to remain the same in future rstanarm versions.
Thus, R scripts should specify priors explicitly, even if they are just the defaults.
- For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
- Plotting theme set to bayesplot::theme_default().
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
dat_lm <- stan_lmer(stomatal_density ~ Prin1_temp + Prin2_dry + Prin3_map + (1|year),
starting worker pid=28686 on localhost:11903 at 20:05:35.555
starting worker pid=28694 on localhost:11903 at 20:05:35.735
starting worker pid=28702 on localhost:11903 at 20:05:35.909
starting worker pid=28710 on localhost:11903 at 20:05:36.082

Manually removed progress report    
opt_old <- options(width=180)
summary(dat_lm, digits=3)

Model Info:

 function:     stan_lmer
 family:       gaussian [identity]
 formula:      stomatal_density ~ Prin1_temp + Prin2_dry + Prin3_map + (1 | 
 algorithm:    sampling
 priors:       see help('prior_summary')
 sample:       4000 (posterior sample size)
 observations: 510
 groups:       year (2)

                                      mean      sd        2.5%      25%       50%       75%       97.5%  
(Intercept)                            45.068     8.994    26.685    42.254    45.229    48.192    62.266
Prin1_temp                              2.422     0.420     1.597     2.137     2.423     2.712     3.216
Prin2_dry                              -2.125     0.428    -2.980    -2.410    -2.117    -1.851    -1.277
Prin3_map                               1.317     0.399     0.538     1.041     1.314     1.585     2.099
b[(Intercept) year:2013]                3.449     8.998   -13.696     0.357     3.262     6.259    21.890
b[(Intercept) year:2014]               -2.791     8.994   -19.903    -5.932    -2.967     0.046    15.220
sigma                                   8.865     0.291     8.309     8.665     8.854     9.063     9.457
Sigma[year:(Intercept),(Intercept)]   125.560   316.250     4.211    16.411    42.338   112.450   746.986
mean_PPD                               45.189     0.549    44.137    44.829    45.185    45.564    46.270
log-posterior                       -1851.093     2.270 -1856.443 -1852.358 -1850.746 -1849.412 -1847.772

                                    mcse   Rhat   n_eff
(Intercept)                          0.450  1.009  400 
Prin1_temp                           0.007  0.999 4000 
Prin2_dry                            0.007  1.001 4000 
Prin3_map                            0.006  1.001 4000 
b[(Intercept) year:2013]             0.450  1.008  400 
b[(Intercept) year:2014]             0.450  1.009  400 
sigma                                0.005  1.000 4000 
Sigma[year:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 10.479  1.002  911 
mean_PPD                             0.009  1.001 4000 
log-posterior                        0.059  1.002 1489 

For each parameter, mcse is Monte Carlo standard error, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size, and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence Rhat=1).

This analysis detects the same relationships Carlson et al. reported, but it also detects a relationship with axis 2 that they did not detect. The difference arises because the Carlson et al. model treated stomatal density as one component of a vector including other traits. Presumably the relationship between stomatal density and axis 2 is detected here because stomatal density is negatively associated with leaf area. The difference in results suggests that the association between axis 2 and stomatal density detected here is not causal.
