Inbreeding and self-fertilization

Now that we've covered the Hardy-Weinberg principle in exhaustive (and exhausting!) detail, we're going to start violating each of the assumptions to see what the consequences are. Knowing what the consequences of violating the assumptions are allows us to make some guesses about what evolutionary forces are acting on a population when we find that genotypes aren't in Hardy-Weinberg proportions. We'll first violate the assumption that mating is at random, by studying the simplest case of inbreeding to understand - self-fertilization. It's the only case we'll study in detail. Fortunately, it illustrates all of the relevant principles.

Project #1

Online notes

Inbreeding and self-fertilization (HTML) (PDF)

Associated readings

Schoen, D.J., and M.T. Clegg. 1985. The influence of flower color on outcrossing rate and male reproductive success in Ipomoea purpurea. Evolution 39:1242-1249. link

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